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International Conference  

117. Wen-Yu Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, " Study of Biochar-Iron Vanadate Composites for Solar Water-Splitting Applications ", SDSE, 16-18, Oct, 2024, Taiwan.​

116. Jia-Zhen Zheng, Yen-Hsun Su, " Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction in FeVO4 via Surface Plasmon Resonance and Morphological Modification for PEC Water Splitting Performance ", SDSE, 16-18, Oct, 2024, Taiwan.

115. Jia-You Hsieh, Yen-Hsun Su, " Optimizing Oxygen Evolution Reaction in FeVO4 via Morphology Control and WS2 Nanosheet Modification for Enhanced PEC Water Splitting Efficiency ", SDSE, 16-18, Oct, 2024, Taiwan.

114. Tai-Ming Zheng, Yen-Hsun Su, " Using Density Functional Theory (DFT) to Study the Catalytic Performance of Ammonia on Different Planes of the High-Entropy Oxide La(Ni0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Mn0.2Cr0.2)O3 ", SDSE, 16-18, Oct, 2024, Taiwan.

113. Yi-Jun Wang, Yen-Hsun Su, " Enhancing Carbon Sequestration Efficiency in Spathiphyllum Using CaS:Eu,Dy ", SDSE, 16-18, Oct, 2024, Taiwan.

112. Yu-An Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, " Using SrS:Eu2+,Pr3+ Long Afterglow Phosphor to Enhance The Carbon Fixation Ability of Monstera Deliciosa. ", SDSE, 16-18, Oct, 2024, Taiwan.

113. Yen-Hsun Su, " Glowing Graphene Quantum Dots Enhancing Photoelectric Transportation in Photosynthesis Carbon Trapping of Pteridophyta Fern ", PRiME, 6-11, Oct, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA.

110. Yen-Hsun Su, "Hybrid-biotaxonomy-like self-training reinforcement deep learning to predict treatment of
Au/Ag nanoparticles on ZnO nanorods" ThinFilms, 15-19 July, 2024, Singapore.

109. Yen-Hsun Su, "Photoelectric Enhancement of Photosynthesis By Implanted Glowing Graphene Quantum Dots in Vein of Aglaonema" 245th ECS Meeting, 26-30 May, 2024, San Francisco, CA, USA.

108. Amit Kumar Sharma, Yen-Hsun Su,"Adsorbing Chiral Molecules on High Entropy Iron Vanadate (FeVO3) for Biomolecule Detection and Photoelectrochemical Cell Applications" ICMCTF, 19-24, May, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.

107. ​Chein-Yu Lin, Yen-Hsun Su, "Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on ZnCo2O4
Electrodes in Chloroplasts Driven by Spin Injection" 
ICMCTF, 19-24, May, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.

106. ​Yao-Yuan Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Two-Dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper Phase of B-site substituted Can-1Mnn-3Nb3O3n+12- (n=4,5,6) Perovskite Nanosheets Integration with Chlorella vulgaris for Electrochemical Water Splitting" ICMCTF, 19-24, May, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.

105. Yu-Teng Wu, Yen-Hsun Su "Photoelectrochemical Properties of Chlorophyll Coating on Cu2O Photocatalyst by Mediating Charge Transfer Characteristic",ICMCTF, 19-24, May, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.

104. Yen-Hsun Su, "Selection of Photosensitive Materials on Metal Oxide Surface by Using Machine Learning", ICMCTF, 21-26, May, 2023, San Diego, CA, USA.

103. Yu-Teng Wu, Yen-Hsun Su, "Carbon Capture and Storage Enabled by Cu2O Thin Film Deposition Using DMSO Solvent", TACT, 12-15, Nov, 2023, Taiwan.

102. Xuan-Yu Wei , Yen-Hsun Su, "First Principles Investigation of CO2  Adsorption on Single Atom (Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn) supported on Graphene Systems ", TACT, 12-15, Nov, 2023, Taiwan.

101. Yun-Liang Chien, Yen-Hsun Su, "Enhancement of Plant Growth to Increase Carbon Sink by Coating Graphene on Aglaonema", TACT, 12-15, Nov, 2023, Taiwan.

100. Jia-You Hsieh, Yen-Hsun Su, "Investigating the Impact of Surface Charge Transfer on the Photocatalytic Performance of Thin Film FeVO4 by applying Bias Voltages", TACT, 12-15, Nov, 2023, Taiwan.

99. Yao-Yuan Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, "The Property of Two-Dimensional RP Phase Peroviskite Can-1Mnn-3Nb3O3n+1- (n=4,5,6) nanosheets with different centrifugal for Water splitting and Supported on Chlorella for Hydrogen Evolution", TACT, 12-15, Nov, 2023, Taiwan.

98. Chein-Yu Lin, Yen-Hsun Su, "Synthesis of ZnCo2O4 on Carbon Paper Electrodes in Chloroplasts Photoelectrochemiacl Water Splitting", TACT, 12-15, Nov, 2023, Taiwan.

97.  Yen-Hsun Su, " Topology Phase Diagram of Metal Oxides Nanoflake in Skyrmion-based Spintronic ", PacSurf, 11-15, Dec, 2022, Waikoloa, HI, USA.

96.  Dao-Jing Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Theoretical Studies of Magnetic Phase Diagrams From Micromagnetics Simulation", TACT, 4-5, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

95.  Yan-Jia Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Hydrogen Reduced Iron From Hematite (Fe2O3) Based on Density Functional Theory Study", TACT, 4-5, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

94. Chien-Yu Lin, Yen-Hsun Su, "Using Supercapacitor Cathode ZnCo2O4 and Chloroplasts Going on Photosynthesis for Hydrogen Production to Create Renewable Energy in Water Splitting Process", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

93.  Xuan-Yu Wei, Yen-Hsun Su, "First Principles Investigation of CO2 Adsorption on Different Transitional Metals-Damped Graphene Systems", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

92.  Yun-Liang Ghien, Yen-Hsun Su, "Investigation of Rare-earth Co-doped Strontium Aluminate as Photocatalyst in Photocatalytic Water Splitting", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

91.  Lu-Hao Tseng, Yen-Hsun Su, "Theoretical Calculation of Lithium Insertion/Extraction at Cathode in Li-ion Batteries", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

90.  Chia-Wei Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Dispersibility of TiO2/graphene nanosheets nanocomposites for the active material in secondary-battery", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

89.  Dao-Jing Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, "PEC Water Splitting Efficiency Improved by Excited Polaron State in Co-ZnO Nanoflake", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

88.  Yu-Teng Wu, Yen-Hsun Su, "Optimize Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Decorated Multilayers Noble", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

87.  Yao-Yuan Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Hydrogen Evolution of Chlorella Supported on Two-Dimensional Perovskite Can-1Mnn-7Nb3O7n+1 Nanosheets in Solar Water-Splitting Cells", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

86.   Yan-Jia Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Machine Learning-Assisted Development of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Using Fluorite Structured High-Entropy Oxides Based on DFT calculation", Earth, 31-1, Nov, 2022, Taiwan.

85.  Hsiang-Wei Tsai, Yen-Hsun Su, "Improving H2 Production Using Water-Splitting of LaMO3 (M= Al, M, Co, Ni) Photocathode and Au-Nanoparticle Decorated LaFeO3", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

84. Dao-Jing Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Theoretical Studies of Skyrmion Phase Diagram on Nanoflake from First Principles Calculations to Micromagnetics", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

83. Wei-Che Tseng, Yen-Hsun Su, "Adjusting the Band Gap Value of Zinc Oxide Thin Film by Combining Machine-Learning Prediction with Density Functional Theory (DFT)-1/2 Method", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

82. Yan-Jia Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Hydrogen as Reducing Agent of α-Fe2O3 in Ironmaking Process: Density Functional Theory Study", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.


81. Yun Liang Chien, Yen-Hsun Su, "Colloidal Properties of Surfactant-Modified 2D Nanoplates Used in Functional Coatings", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

80. Chia-Wei Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Study and Properties of Solution-processed 2D Nanoplate Ceramic Nano-composites for Functional Coatings", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

79. Yu-Kai Liao, Yen-Hsun Su, "Surface Plasmon Resonance of Muti-layer Noble Metal Nanoparticles Mediated ZnO Nanorods Heterostructure Controlled by Machine Learning", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

78. Vinay Kumar Bandarla, Yen-Hsun Su, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on ZnCo2O4 Nanosheets to Modulate Supercapacitor Performance on Carbon Paper",  TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

77. Kaoru Onuma, Yen-Hsun Su, "Metal Oxides Coupling with Surface Plasmon Resonance of Gold Nanoparticle to Mediate Efficiency of Carbon Dioxides Reduction", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

76. Chia-Wei Chang, Yen-Hsun Su, "Modulation of Optoelectronic Property of 2D Graphene Oxide Sheets by Nitrogen Doping for Composite Films", TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

75. Thi Bao Ngoc Le, Yen-Hsun Su, "B-Site Substituted Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Perovskite Material Ca2Tin-3Nb3O3n+1- in Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Application",  TACT, 15-18, Nov, 2021, Taiwan.

74. Hsiang-Wei Tsai, Yen-Hsun Su, "Double Perovskite LaFe1-xNixO3 Coating Urchin-like Golden Nanoparticles to Enhance Water Splitting Reaction", ICMCTF, 26-30, April, 2020, Taiwan.(Online conference)

73. Hsiang-Wei Tsai, Yen-Hsun Su, "Multiple-phases LaFeO3 Decorated with Urchin-like Au Nanoparticles as PEC Cell for Hydrogen Generation from Bio-Produced Ethanol and 1-Butanol", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

72. Onuma Kaoru, Yen-Hsun Su, "Catalyst Properties of Ni Single Atom Load on Nitrogen-doped Graphene Oxide in Hydrogen Production from Glycerin", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

71. Wei-Che Tseng, Chao-Cheng Kaun, Yen-Hsun Su, "Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Surface of Metal Nanoparticle Coated on Metal Oxides by Density Functional Theory", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

70. Po-Yen Kung, Yen-Hsun Su, "Optimization of Gold/Silver Nanoparticles on ZnO Nanorods by Machine Learning in Solar-to-hydrogen Photoelectrochemical Water-splitting Solar Cell", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

69. Chia-Chun Lin, Yen-Hsun Su, "First-Principles Study of Spinel-Structured (Co,Cr,Fe,Mn,Ni)3O4 High Entropy Oxides for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions, Potential Application of Microwave-assisted Exfoliated DionJacobson Layers Perovskite Ca2Nan3NbnO3n+1- (n = 4, 5, and 6) Nanosheets for Green Hydrogen Production via Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

68. Anggrahini Arum Nurpratiwi, Yen-Hsun Su, "Potential Application of Microwave-assisted Exfoliated DionJacobson Layers Perovskite Ca2Nan3NbnO3n+1- (n = 4, 5, and 6) Nanosheets for Green Hydrogen Production via Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

67. Yu-Lin Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, "Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles/Urchin-like Gold on Zinc Oxide Heterostructure Conversing Biomass Alcohol into Hydrogen", ABBS,18-21, Dec, 2020, Taiwan.

66. Chia-Wei Chang、Wen-Liang Wu、Yen-Hsun Su, Study of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Oxide Sheets Synthesized by Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Method and Applied for Water Splitting, MRS-T, 15-16,Nov,2019,Taiwan.

65. Yi-Sheng Lai, Jyh-Ming Ting, Yen-Hsun Su , Verification water splitting efficiency with fuzzy neural network method and genetic algorithm neural network method , TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

64. Wen-Liang Wu, Chia-Wei Chang, Jyh-Ming Ting, Min-Hsiung Hon, Yen-Hsun Su, Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of nanocomposite nitrogen doped graphene oxide nanosheets combined with TiO2 nanoparticles for photocatalytic reaction, TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

63. Chia-Chen Wu, Jen-Sue Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Controllable Growth of Urchin-like Gold Nanoparticles by Seed-mediated growth and Tunable Surface Plasmon Wavelength by Using Genetic Algorithm Neural Network, TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

62. Chia-Chen Wu, Yu-Lin Chen, Jih-Jen Wu, Jen-Sue Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Evaluating Surface Plasmon Resonance of Metal Nanoparticles Coated on ZnO Nanoflower by Neural Network Machine Learning, TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

61. Sheng-CheYen, Yu-Lin Chen, Jih-Jen Wu, Jen-Sue Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Optimization of highly visible-light enhanced CO2 photoreduction on Ag nanoparticles/ZnO nanorods array by deep learning acceleration, TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

60. Sheng-CheYen, Yu-Lin Chen, Jih-Jen Wu, Jen-Sue Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Materials genome evolution of surface plasmon enhanced Au nanoparticles decorated ZnO nanorods in application of CO2 photoreduction, TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

59. Hui-Wen Tsao, Chao-Cheng Kaun*, Yen-Hsun Su, Effect of metal nanoparticles adsorption on WSe2 combined with material genome approach, TACT 2019, 17-20, Nov, 2019, Taiwan.

58. Vu Thi Huong, Yen-Hsun Su and Chia-Wei Chang, Plasmon Resonance Energy Transfer from Gold Sea-Urchin-Shaped Nanoparticles to Cu2O Nanoparticles in Photoelectrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction, ICMDA 2019, 13-15, April, 2019, Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan.

57. Cheng-Lin Tsai, Chia-Wei Chang, Min-Hsiung Hon and Yen-Hsun Su, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Performance of Nickel Oxide Electrodes by Mixing ZrO2, ICMDA 2019, 13-15, April, 2019, Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan.

56. Yi-Hsing Yu, Chao-Cheng Kaun and Yen-Hsun Su, A material genome approach for exploration of perovskite type high entropy oxides using density functional theory, ICMDA 2019, 13-15, April, 2019, Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan.

55. Đặng Thị Thùy Linh, Po Yen Kung and Yen-Hsun Su, Promissing cobalt nanoparticles on Zinc oxide nanorods for hydrogen generation, TACT 2017, 15-18, October, 2017, National Dong Hwa University in Hualien, Taiwan.

54. Yu-Shen Chen, Chia-Wei Chang, Kuan-Bo Lin, Min-Hsiung Hon, Chao-Cheng Kaun and Yen-Hsun Su, Synthesis WS2 nanosheets from lithium intercalation for hydrogen evolution, EAMC 2017, 22-24, August, 2017, Port of Stockholm, Sweden.

53. Po Yen Kung, Yen-Hsun Su, Width absorption spectrum excitation plasmonic gold/silver nanoparticles on Fe/ZnO nanorods assisting the enhancement of generate hydrogen by water splitting photochemistry, EAMC 2017, 22-24, August, 2017, Port of Stockholm, Sweden.

52. Yun-I Ho, Kuan-Bo Lin, Yen-Hsun Su and Chao-Cheng Kaun, Electronic transport properties in transition-metal oxide based heterostructures: First-principles calculations, EAMC 2017, 22-24, August, 2017, Port of Stockholm, Sweden.

51. Zhi-Yi Wang, Kuan-Bo Lin ,Yen-Hsun Su and Chao-Cheng Kaun, Geometric and electronic properties of Sn-based organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cell: A First-principles analysis, EAMC 2017, 22-24, August, 2017, Port of Stockholm, Sweden.

50. Lin Kuan Bo, Yen-Hsun Su and Chao-Cheng Kaun, Interface effects on quantum transport through ultrathin dielectric films: A First-principle study, EAMC 2017, 22-24, August, 2017, Port of Stockholm, Sweden.

49. Yi-Sheng Lai and Yen-Hsun Su, Water splitting solar cells with low diffusion resistance by methyl violet halochromic pigments, EAMC 2017, 22-24, August, 2017, Port of Stockholm, Sweden.

48. 賴臆升,蘇彥勳,二氧化鋯薄膜結合酞菁分子之中心金屬置換來志被高效能水分解電池元件,2017台灣陶瓷學會年會暨科技部專題研究計畫成果發表會,2017年5月19日,國立成功大學成功校區,台南。

47. Wei-Jhe Huang ,Optimizing after-glow luminescent parameters of Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+, Dy3+, IWAMN 2016, 3-5, November, 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam.

46. Po-Yen Kung, Yen-Hsun Su*, A member-free organic semiconductor flow battery, IWAMN 2016, 3-5, November, 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam.

45. Yu-Yun Pan, Yen-Hsun Su*, C. H. Hsu, L. W. Huang, K. P. Dou, and C. C. Kaun*, "First-Principles Study on Electronic Structures of FAPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) Hybrid Perovskites", CC3DMR 2016, 20-24, June, 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

44. Yen-Hsun Su*, Shi-Hong Huang, Po-Yen Kung, Tin-Wei Shen, and Wen-Lin Wang, Hydrogen Generation of Cu2O Nanoparticles/MnO–MnO2 Nanorods Heterojunction Supported on Sonochemical-Assisted Synthesized Few-Layer Graphene in Water-Splitting Photocathode, ISOT 2015, 14-16, October, 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.


43. Yu-Shan Su, Yen-Hsun Su*, Ting-Wei Shen, Near infrared quautum cutting by cooperative energy transfer from Tb3+ to Yb3+ in YPO4, Light Conference : International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering - Taiwan-2015, 10-14, August, 2015, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.


42. Yu-Yun Pan, Yen-Hsun Su* , Chuang-Han Hsu, Li-Wen Huang, Chao-Cheng Kaun*, The electronic structure of organic–inorganic hybrid perovski te solar cell:A first-principles analysis, Light Conference : International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering - Taiwan-2015, 10-14, August, 2015, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.


41. Yen Hsun Su, Down-conversion photoluminescence sensitizing plasmonic silver nanoparticles on ZnO nanorods to generate hydrogen by water splitting photochemistry, ICOME2015, 7-10 July, 2015, Changchun, China

40. Yen-Hsun Su, Surface Plasmon Resonance of Layer-by-layer Gold Nanoparticles Induced Photoelectric Current in Environmentally-friendly Plasmon-sensitized Solar Cell, ThinFilms 2014, 15-18 July, 2014, Chongqing, China. (Invited Talk)


39. Yen-Hsun Su, Surface Plasmon Resonance of Layer-by-layer Gold Nanoparticles Induced Photoelectric Current in Environmentally-friendly Plasmon-sensitized Solar Cell, Light Conference: ICOME 2014 (International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering 2014), July 3, 2014, Changchun, China. (Invite Talk)


38. Li-Wen Huang, Chao-Cheng Kaun, Yen-Hsun Su, Evaluation of Surface Plasmon Resonance Effect in the gap between nanoelectrode in molecular Junction by the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Study; 9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Sept. 29- Octo. 2, 2014, Matuse, Japan.


37. Ting-Wei Shen, Wen-lin Wang, Yen-Hsun Su, Influence of gold nanoparticles on the diatom  frustules;9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Sept. 29- Octo. 2, 2014, Matuse, Japan.

36. Wen-Lin Wang, Yen-Hsun Su, Ting-Wei Shen, Sufrace plasmon of Au nanoparticles onto layered MoS2 enhancing photoluminescence;9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Sept. 29- Octo. 2, 2014, Matuse, Japan.


35. Ting-Wei Shen, Yen-Hsun Su, Diatom frustules as gold nanostructure template; International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices, September 3-5, 2014, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. 


34. Po-Yen Kung ,Yen-Hsun Su, Surface Plasmonic Resonance of Silver Nanoparticles Sensitizing ZnO nanorods to Generate Hydrogen by Water Splitting Photochemistry; International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices, September 3-5, 2014, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. 


33. Wen-Lin Wang, Yen-Hsun Su, Photoluminescence of  layered MoS2 enhancing by Au nanoparticles; International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices, September 3-5, 2014, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. 

32. Li-Wen Huang, Yen-Hsun Su, Evaluation of Surface Plasmon Resonance Effect in Molecular Junction by the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Study; International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices, September 3-5, 2014, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. 


31. Yi-Hui Su, Yen-Hsun Su, Jung-Hua Wu, Evaluation of Management Efficiency of Smart Grid in Large Scale by Statistics Analysis System, The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2014 (ICETI2014), 10/31-11/04, 2014, Kenting, Taiwan.


30. Yi-Hui Su, Jung-Hua Wu, Yen-Hsun Su, Sheng-Lung Tu, Tao-Hsing Chen, A Mini-review of Optical Design to Promote Efficiency Enhancement of Solar Energy Conversion, The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2014 (ICETI2014), 10/31-11/04, 2014, Kenting, Taiwan.


29. Po-Yen Kung, Shih-Liang Cai, Tin-Wei Shen, Yen-Hsun Su, Jyh-Ming Ting, Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide and Zinc Oxide by Chemical Bath Deposition Applied in Heterojunction Solar Cells, Collaborative Conference on 3D Materials Research (CC3DMR) June 23-27, 2014, South, Korea.


28. Shi-Hong Huang, Chun-Liang Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Graphene/MnO2 composites for applications as symmetric supercapacitor, Collaborative Conference on 3D Materials Research (CC3DMR) June 23-27, 2014, South, Korea.


27. Po-Yen Kung, Chun-Liang Chen, Tin-Wei Shen, Yen-Hsun Su, Jyh-Ming Ting, Surface Plasmon Resonance of Silver Nanoparticles Assisting Enhancement of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer by Water Splitting Photochemistry, International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference on Electronic Materials(IUMRS-ICEM 2014), June 10-14, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.


26. Shi-Hong Huang, Chun-Liang Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Graphene/MnO2 composites for applications as symmetric supercapacitor, International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference on Electronic Materials(IUMRS-ICEM 2014), June 10-14, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.


25. Jyun-Sheng Guo, Yen-Hsun Su, Jyh-Ming Ting, Photochemical Water Splitting of Graphene Plasmonic Photosensitizer in Solar Hydrogen Production, 3rd Nano Today Conference, December 8-11, 2013,Singapore.


24. Yao-Yu Chung, Jyh-Ming Ting, Yen-Hsun Su, Garphene Coupling with Graphene Oxides Generate Wavelength-tunable Graphene Plasmonic Laser by Controlling Oxidation of Graphene, 3rd Nano Today Conference, December 8-11, 2013, Singapore.


23. Po-Yen Kung, Chien-Yu Yao, Yen-Hsun Su, Surface Plasmon Resonance of Silver Nanoparticles assisting Enhancement of Solar Hydrogen Production by Water Splitting Photochemistry, The fifth World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC2013),25th - 28th September 2013, Shanghai, China


22. Shi-Hong Huang, Shih-Liang Cai, Yen-Hsun Su, Graphene Enhancing Efficiency of Solar Hydrogen Production in Cu2O/MnO Nanolayers Cathode in Photochemical Water Splitting Cell, The fifth World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC2013), 25th - 28th September 2013, Shanghai, China


21. Kuan-Bo Lin, Shi-Liang Cai, Yen-Hsun Su, Photoluminescence of Cu:ZnS, Ag:ZnS, and Au:ZnS nanoparticles Applied in Bio-LED, August 12-17, 2012, 8th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA-8), Rochester, NY, USA. 


20. Yen-Hsun Su, Shih-Hui Chang, Sheng-Lung Tu, Min Hsiung Hon, Photoelectric Characteristics of Natural Pigments in Water-Based Dye–Sensitized Solar Cell, December 5-6, 2008, International Symposium on Solar Cell Technologies (ISSCT 2008), Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taiwan.


19. Yen-Hsun Su, Hui-Chia Yang, Sheng-Lung Tu, Lay Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Min Hsiung Hon, Ellipsometric Evaluation of Chitosan Adsorption on Layer-by-layer Gold Nanoparticles by Enhancing Local Surface Plasmon Resonance, June 26-27, 2008, 2008 Emerging Information and Technology Conference, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan ,Taiwan.


18. Yen-Hsun Su, Young-Chung Hsue, First Principles Studies of C60 Adsorbing with Anthocyanidins, 2nd International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC2008), May 26-29, 2008, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.


17. B.H. Wu, Y.H. Su, S.L. Tu, U. S. Mohanty, L.G. Teoh, Effect of thickness on the optical and nanomechanical properties of Ge produced by Ultra-high-vacuum Ion Beam Sputtering, April 28-May 2, 2008, ICMCTF 2008, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, California, USA.


16. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Quasi-Chemical Model Studies for Local Surface Plasmons Resonance of Au-Cu Regular alloys Nanoparticles, June 4-6, 2007, ChinaNANO2007, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing ,China.


15. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hao-En Hong, Jian-Hong Lee, Min-Hsiung Hon, Photoelectric Characteristics of Natural Pigments Self-Assembly Fabricated on TiO2 /FTO Substrate, June 4-6, 2007, ChinaNANO2007, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing ,China.


14. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Ellipsometric Studies of Optical Properties of Local Surface Plasmon Resonance for Au Nanoparticles on the Substrate, June 4-6, 2007, ChinaNANO2007, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing ,China.


13. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Ellipsometric Investigation to Apply in Determination of Energy Band Gap in Dye-sensitized Solar Cell, June 4-6, 2007, ChinaNANO2007, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing ,China.


12. Hong-Ming Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Ming-Chi Hsu, Sheng-Lung Tu, Te-Hua Fang, Ya Chi Shen, Lay Gaik Teoh, Synthesis of Nanostructured Mesoporous Titania by Sol-gel Method,2007 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, Nov 30- Dec 1 , 2007, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), National Nano Device Lab, Hsinchu, Taiwan.


11. Yen-Hsun Su, Hao-En Hong, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Wei-Hao Lai, Min-Hsiung Hon, Jow Lay Huang, Photovoltaic Characteristics of WO3 Nanoparticles, Institute of Innovations and Advanced Studies (IIAS), December 12-15, 2006, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.


10. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hao-En Hong, Min Hsiung Hon, Surface Plasmon Resonance for Zero-Dimension Nanoscaled Material of Gold-Copper Alloys System, 2006 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, November 9-10, 2006, Southern Taiwan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.


9. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Yang-Lin Cheng, Min-Hsiung Hon, Yu-Min Yang, Jow-Lay Huang, The Technology of Ellipsometry Applied in the Energy Band Gap of DSSC, 2006 International Symposium on Optical and Electro-Communication Conference, July 2-10, 2006, Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


8. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, How the Optical Properties of Au Nanoparticles are affected by Surface Plasmon Resonance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, November 29-December 1, 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


7. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Surface Plasmons Resonance for One-dimension Nanoscaled Material of Au-Cu Alloys system in the Infinite Spaces, Taiwan-India conference on nanomaterials, December 11-12, 2006, pp. 53-54, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan.


6. Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hao-En Hong, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Min-Hsiung Hon, Synthesis and Optical Properties of WO3 Nanoparticles, poster, 20th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, March 19-22, 2007, Takeda Hall, the University of Tokyo, Japan.


5. Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hao-En Hong, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Min-Hsiung Hon, Morphology, Structure, and Optical Properties of WO3 NPs Applied in DSSC, 2006 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, December 7-8, 2006, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.


4. Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hong-Ming Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Shih Min Chou, Min-Hsiung Hon, Gas Sensing Properties of ZnO:Al Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, November 29-December 1, 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


3. Lay-Gaik Teoh, Hong-Ming Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Synthesis of Mesoporous Anatase Titania, 2006 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, November 9-10, 2006, Southern Taiwan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.


2. L. G. Teoh, J. L. Lai, Y. H. Su, W. H. Lai, Y. C. Shen, M. H. Hon, T. H. Fang, Characterization of Tungsten Oxide nanoparticles with template synthesis, Taiwan-India conference on nanomaterials, December 11-12, 2006, pp. 51-52, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan.


1. Lay-Gaik Teoh, Ming-Cong Li, Hong-Ming Chen, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Characterization of WO3 nanoparticles with surfactant-mediated sol-gel method, 2006 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, December 7-8, 2006, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.


Domestic Conference

36. 龔柏諺、蘇彥勳,無膜有機半導體液流電池,中國材料科學年會,2015年11月20、21日,中鋼公司,高雄。


35. 蘇郁珊、蘇彥勳、沈庭瑋,以YPO4為基底藉由cooperative energy transfer 從 Tb3+ 到不同濃度的 Yb3+ 的近紅外光量子切割,中國材料科學年會,2015年11月20、21日,中鋼公司,高雄。


34. 潘昱妘、蘇彥勳、關肇正、徐創涵、黃莉雯,第一原理計算有機無機鈣鈦礦材料 MAPbX3 電子結構對於自旋軌域耦合的影響  (MA=CH3NH3, X= Cl, Br, I),中國材料科學年會,2015年11月20、21日,中鋼公司,高雄。


33. 潘昱妘、龔柏諺、蔡士良、申永輝、蘇彥勳,葉綠素-m對太陽能光電應用(m為鐵、鈷、鎳、鋅),中國材料科學年會,2013年10月19-20。


32. 陳慧珊、林冠伯、陳建安、蘇彥勳,以化學合成法製備摻雜銀之硫化鋅奈米粒子及其光學性質研究並應用於生物發光元件上,中國材料科學年會,2013年10月19,20日。


31. 林意雯、林冠柏、蘇彥勳,摻雜不同濃度鐿、鉺之硫化鋅奈米粒子製備及其光學性質研究,中國材料科學年會,2013年10月19,20日。


30. Shi-Hong Huang, Shih-Liang Cai, Yen-Hsun Su, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University, Graphene Enhancing Efficiency of Solar Hydrogen Production in Cu2O/MnO Nanolayers Cathode in Photochemical Water Splitting Cell, 中國機械工程年會,2013年12月6-7。


29. 潘昱妘、龔柏諺、蔡士良、蘇彥勳、申永輝、丁志明、陳怡嘉,葉綠素-m和石墨烯/氧化鋅奈米複合材料對太陽能光電應用(m為鐵、鈷、鎳、鋅),中國機械工程年會,2013年12月6-7。


28. 柯沅鋒、楊濤維,氧化鎢奈米粒子化學黏附與ITO基板之太陽能產氫研究研究,國家科學委員會工程處-力、能源、熱流學門專題研究計畫成果發表會,2012年12月7-8日。

27. 蔡士良、蘇彥勳,以化學沉積法製備高度對稱性氧化鋅奈米線及特性分析,國家科學委員會工程處-力、能源、熱流學門專題研究計畫成果發表會,2012年12月7-8日。




23. 涂勝龍、蘇彥勳,應變導致電氣石磁性改變,第一屆兩岸/第五屆資源工程研討會,成功大學,台南,2011。

22. Yen-Hsun Su, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Min-Hsiung Hon, Self-assembly Gold Nanoparticles Applied in Green Dye-sensitized Solar Cell, 2008 中華民國物理年會暨成果發表會, 97年 1月28-30日,交通大學,新竹。

21. Yen-Hsun Su, Sheng-Lung Tu, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Hui-Chia Yang, Min-Hsiung Hon, Ellipsometric Actuator Sensing Chitosan Adsorption on Gold Nanoparticles Film, 11th Nano Engineering and Microsystem Technology Technology Conference, 96年8月27-28日,中興大學,台中。

20. Yen-Hsun Su, Yi-Hui Su, Sheng-Lung Tu, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Min-Hsiung Hon, Green Photovoltagic Solar Cell, 11th Nano Engineering and Microsystem Technology Technology Conference, 96年8月27-28日,中興大學,台中。

19. Y. H. Su (蘇彥勳), C.C. Chiang (江建志), S.-H. Chang(張世慧), S.-L. Tu (涂勝龍), L. G. Teoh(張莉毓),M. H. Hon (洪敏雄), Absorption and Scattering of Light by Phosphor Powder, 中國材料科學學會年會,96年11月16-17日,交通大學,新竹。

18. Yen-Hsun Su, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Shih-Hui Chang, Min-Hsiung Hon, SN1 and E1 Reaction Controlling Au Nanoparticles Size, 中國化學會高雄分會年會及研討會,96年5月12日,高雄大學,高雄。

17. Yen-Hsun Su, Shih-Hui Chang, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Min-Hsiung Hon, Substrate Effect Induced Local Surface Plasmon Resonance of Au Nanoparticles Splitting, 中國化學會高雄分會年會及研討會,96年5月12日,高雄大學,高雄。

16. Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Min-Hsiung Hon, Jow-Lay Huang, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Spectroscopic Ellipsometer, and Electrical Properties of Au nano-particles Deposited on the Glass Substrate, 中國材料科學學會年會,94年11月27-28日,淡江大學,台北。

15. Yen-Hsun Su, Yen-Chun Lin, Yang-Kai Wi, Jyh-Ming Ting, The Study of the Electrical Properties and Surface Plasmon of the Nanoscale Ni and Al thin film, 中國材料科學學會年會,94年11月27-28日,淡江大學,台北。

14. Yen-Hsun Su, Sheng-jhih Lin, Wei-Hao Lai, Hao-En Hong, Min-Hsiung Hon, Yuh-Lang Lee, Jow Lay Huang, Optical Properties of Au Nanoparticles, 中國材料科學學會年會,95年11月24-25日,成功大學,台南。

13. Wei-Hao Lai, Yuan-Tsung Tsai, Yen-Hsun Su, Min-Hsiung Hon, Jow-Lay Huang, Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Particles by Chemical Deposition Method, 中國材料科學學會年會,94年11月27-28日,淡江大學,台北。

12. Wei-Hao Lai, Yen-Hsun Su, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Min-Hsiung Hon, Influences of Calcination and Hydrolysis Reaction on the Characterization of Wormhole-like Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide, 中國材料科學學會年會,95年11月24-25日,成功大學,台南。

11. Hao-En Hong, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Min-Hsiung Hon, Jow-Lay Huang, Syntheses of WO3 Nanoparticles via Chemical Deposition Method, 中國材料科學學會年會,95年11月24-25日,成功大學,台南。

10. Hao-En Hong, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Yen-Hsun Su, Wei-Hao Lai, Min-Hsiung Hon, Jow Lay Huang, Syntheses of Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles by Using Surfactant, 中國材料科學學會年會,95年11月24-25日,成功大學,台南。

9. 張莉毓、陳鴻銘、蘇彥勳、賴韋豪、周仕旻、洪敏雄,高靈敏度ZnO:Al酒精感測器之研究,中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,95年11月24-25日,崑山科技大學,台南、永康。

8. 張莉毓、李明聰、潘艾倩、賴韋豪、蘇彥勳、洪敏雄,三嵌段兩性共聚物為模板輔助溶膠-凝膠法合成奈米氧化鎢,中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,95年11月24-25日,崑山科技大學,台南、永康。

7. Yi-Hui Su, Tsun-Ying Lu, Yen-Hsun Su, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Min-Hsiung Hon, Nano Material Industry Affect Urban Development in Future Kaohsiung, 中國化學會高雄分會年會及研討會,96年5月12日,高雄大學,高雄。

6. Yi-Hui Su, Tsun-Ying Lu, Yen-Hsun Su, Lay-Gaik Teoh, Min-Hsiung Hon, Future Development of Green Chemistry Energy Applied in Green Building in South Taiwan, 中國化學會高雄分會年會及研討會,96年5月12日,高雄大學,高雄。

5. 蘇怡惠、蘇彥勳、涂勝龍、張莉毓、洪敏雄,奈米二氧化鈦粉體緩衝酸雨對古蹟和建築物之衝擊(TiO2 Nano-powders Decrease Impact of Acid Rain for Ancient Remains and Buildings),第十屆文化資產(古蹟、歷史建築、聚落與文化景觀)保存、再利用與保存科學研討會暨21世紀文化資產保存準則主題論壇計畫,96年11月3-4日,國立文化資產保存研究中心,台北。

4. Sheng-Lung Tu (涂勝龍), Yen-Hsun Su (蘇彥勳), Lay-Gaik Teoh(張莉毓), Opt-electric Characteristics of Ti Nanoscaled Thin Film via Ultra Vacuum Ion Beam Sputtering (以UVIBS製備奈米尺度鈦膜之光電性質),中國材料科學學會年會,96年11月16-17日,交通大學,新竹。

3. Sheng-Lung Tu (涂勝龍), Yen-Hsun Su (蘇彥勳), Lay-Gaik Teoh(張莉毓), Effect of Thickness Affecting Optical Properties of Ge Thin Film Preparing by Ultra Vacuum Ion Beam Sputtering (以UVIBS製備鍺膜之膜厚效應對光學性質之影響), 中國材料科學學會年會,96年11月16-17日,交通大學,新竹。

2. 李明聰、蘇彥勳、涂勝龍、賴韋豪、江建志、方得華、張莉毓,溶膠-凝膠法製備奈米介孔氧化鎢,中國材料科學學會年會,96年11月16-17日,交通大學,新竹。

1. Yi-Hui Su, Yen-Hsun Su, Analysis Local Pressure System in Stationary Front Crossing South Taiwan by Hilbert-Huang Transform, 天氣分析與預報研討會,,97年9月9-11日,交通部中央氣象局,台北市。

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